西门子医疗集团销售培训生(昆明)职位描述: | ||||||
西门子医疗-2011校园招聘 西门子(中国)有限公司医疗业务领域(SLC Healthcare) 西门子医疗是全球医疗领域最大的供应商之一,是医学影像、实验室诊断、医疗信息技术和助听器等领域的潮流引领者。西门子是惟一一家可向客户提供全方位诊疗产品和解决方案的公司 −−−− 从预防、早期检测、诊断到治疗和后期护理。通过优化最常见疾病的临床工作流程,西门子还加快了医疗服务速度,提高了服务质量,增加了服务成本的有效性。西门子医疗在全球拥有48,000多名员工,业务遍及全球各个国家。截至2010年9月30日,西门子医疗实现销售额119亿欧元,赢利达15亿欧元。 招聘职位: Sales Trainee 销售培训生 (针对2011届毕业生) 更多信息,请登录 http://www.siemens.com.cn/medical 请讲简历发送至 :miaomin.pan@siemens.com 职位要求: Healthcare Sales Trainee Program 销售培训生 General introduction: The Healthcare Sales Trainee Program is an 18-month entry-level development plan which includes 2 rotational assignments in sales and product marketing functions to accelerate the growth of sales talents. It offers candidates a successful career in sales by providing learn opportunities about Siemens leading products, Healthcare market, and our customers while making valuable contributions to the whole organization. Job Description: 1) Will have two assignments in sales and product marketing functions, which cover different products / regions / customers in China; 2) Closely work with customers to understand their needs and provide suitable solutions to address those needs; 3) Build strong relationship with end user or distributor; 4) Strictly follow internal policy and Siemens compliance standard; 5) Will travel within and across the regions. Job Qualifications: 1) Fresh graduates with Bachelor or Master Degree, and prefer to have the major of Bio-Medical Engineering, Electronics, Automatic Control Engineering, Medical Imaging, Clinical Medical or Physics; 2) Passionate in sales career, and willing to take challenges and to work under pressure; 3) Geographic mobility all over China; willing to travel; 4) Strong communication & interpersonal skills; 5) Good team player; 6) Good command of English in writing and speaking Location: Kun Ming 广大对此职位感兴趣的同学请将您的中英文简历以Word 附件形式发至:miaomin.pan@siemens.com 邮件题目请命名为“ 昆明销售培训生 所在院校 专业 年级 毕业时间” 简历标题请命名为“名字 院校 专业 年级”; 请严格按以上要求发送您的简历,不按此格式发送的邮件一概不予查看,谢谢谅解 |