
深圳和美妇儿科医院有限公司隶属于和美医疗控股有限公司,15 年 7 月 7 日在香港正式挂牌上市(港股代码:01509),简称「和美医疗」,是中国最大的私立妇产专科医院集团。深圳和美妇儿科医院为海内外女性、儿童提供优质医疗服务和健康管理高品质、更安全的医疗机构。 
2011 年 10 月,和美医院首次通过国际医疗卫生机构联合委员会(JCI)认证,成为深圳首家 JCI 认证的高端妇儿科医院。2014 年 10 月,医院再次以高分通过第五版 JCI 认证复审。 
Shenzhen HarMoniCare Women&Children's Hospital, affiliated withHarMoniCare Medical Holding Limited, is the largest private maternityhospital in China. On July 7,2015, the corporation was officiallyregistered on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Hong Kong stock code 01509).Shenzhen HarMoniCare Women&Children's Hospital provides high-qualityhealth care and health management services for women and children fromChina and abroad. 
In October,2011, HarMoniCare passed the initial accreditation survey byJoint Commission International(JCI), becoming the first JCI-accreditedhospital in Shenzhen. In October,2014,HarMoniCare Shenzhen Women andChildren's Hospital again sailed through the second accreditation surveybesed on the newly-published fifth edition edition JCI standards withflying colors. 
HarMoniCare Shenzhen Women and Children's Hospital adopts and advocatesan American patient safety and care system, which is the world's leadingmodel of medical technology and management, providing safe and greencare for customers. HarMoniCare advocates treatment withtopically-applied medication and physiotherapy treatment office disease,and improvement of patients' sub-health status and noncommunicablediseases through behavioral medical intervention. HarMoniCare strictlyfollows recommendations for the appropriate prescription of antibioticsand is committed to reducing overtreatment. 

职位名 专业 工作年限 招聘人数 申请
麻醉医生 麻醉学 五年以上 1申请
儿保科医生 儿科学 三年以上 1申请
产科门诊医生 妇产科学 十年以上 1申请
检验师 医学检验 三年以上 1申请
中药师 药学 三年以上 1申请
助产士 护理学 十年以上 1申请
手术室护士 护理学 三年以上 2申请
妇产科住院部护士 护理学 二年以上 2申请
妇产科门诊护士 护理学 一年以上 1申请
B超医生 医学影像学 五年以上 1申请


联系人: 胡小姐
电    话:0755-33919122-2
邮    箱:szhmhr@163.com
地    址:深圳南山区深南大道12018号(南山劳动大厦对面)
网    址:www.hm91.com



内科应届招聘 骨科手术招聘 精神病专家招聘 药品发运招聘 西内科主治招聘 外科业务招聘 信息主任招聘 药品交易招聘 耗材仓库招聘 医疗院长招聘




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