发信人: lawu (first and last), 信区: Intern
标 题: 新加坡国立大学知名教授招项目研究生(经济类的)
Ads: PhD Studentship Opportunities for August 2012 Intake (Early Admission),
Department of Economics, National University of Singapore (NUS)
The Department of Economics at NUS, established since 1934, has earned its reputation as one of the largest and leading departments of economics in the Asia-Pacific region. It has about 40 faculty members with research areas spanning a wide range of economic fields. For more information about the department, please refer to: http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/ecs/
We make unrelenting efforts to ensure top students are recruited for our PhD programme and also offer financial assistance in the form of full scholarship in all areas of economics. The scholarship includes tuition fee waiver S$2000 stipend per month before passing qualifying exam (QE) (and S$2500 stipend per month after passing QE). For very good students, the department can admit you into its PhD programme without TOEFL/GRE scores, i.e. if you are a very good student from a good university, you may be admitted into our PhD programme even though you don't take TOEFL/GRE tests!!
The early admission exercise for August 2012 Intake has already began. Students who are offered admission in this round and in return accept the early offer would imply that they are fully committed to enroll in NUS and will not seek entry to other universities. Online applications are available till 9 September 2011 at: http://www.nus.edu.sg/admissions/graduate-studies/apply-research.php
The Department will send faculty members to Beijing and Shanghai between 19 and 25 September 2011 to conduct an interview and an English test. Offer of admission and scholarship will be made known to successful candidates in October 2011 (for the August 2012 Intake).
In the recent past, PhD graduates of the Department have been placed in well-known universities such as Monash University, University of Western Australia, ESSEC, University of Macau, Central University of Finance & Economics, and Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, as well as leading investment institutions such as Citibank, Credit Suisse, DBS Bank, and TC Capital. To know more about the programme and the early admission process, please contact Ms. Nicky Kheh at: ecsklc@nus.edu.sg