
日期:2008-04-17 来源:丁香人才网
InstitutionCSIRO (http://www.csiro.au)PositionPostdoctoral FellowLocationBlack Mountain Laboratories Canberra AustraliaDate PostedApril 15th 2008Date ExpiresMay 3th 2008Tagspostdoctoral fellow pathoge ...

CSIRO (http://www.csiro.au)


Postdoctoral Fellow


Black Mountain Laboratories, Canberra, Australia

Date Posted

April 15th 2008

Date Expires

May 3th 2008


postdoctoral fellow, pathogens, canberra, and australia


Postdoctoral Fellow
CSIRO Plant Industry, Black Mountain
$63K – $72K plus Superannuation
Ref. No. 2008/369

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in host-pathogenbiology. We are looking for a Ph.D. graduate with strong experimentaland molecular experience, particularly with an interest in evolutionaryresearch. If you like to work in multidisciplinary teams and have a keeninterest in integrative science then this is an opportunity for you totake part in ground-breaking research into the population andcoevolutionary dynamics of a well-characterised wild plant-pathogen system.

You will be part of a long-term effort to develop a comprehensiveunderstanding of the coevolution of host resistance and pathogenvirulence that encompasses the molecular basis of recognition eventsunderlying phenotypic variability in host resistance and pathogenvirulence, as well as the interplay of genetics and epidemiology at apopulation level.

Key project components will include:

    * Developing an understanding of how polymorphism in genescontrolling these host resistance and pathogen virulence affect diseasein natural populations; and

    * Quantification of the roles of environmental, spatial and temporalheterogeneity in the maintenance of polymorphisms in relevant host andpathogen genes.

ALL applications must be submitted via the CSIRO website, please DO NOTapply through Naturejobs.com

A comprehensive selection package is available by visiting CSIRO Careerswww.csiro.au/careers and quoting the relevant job reference number.


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