
日期:2010-04-01 来源:丁香人才网
Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biology : Singapore Employers: Bioinformatics Institute A*STAR   Location(s): Singapore Posted: March 31 2010 Expires: September 30 2010 Website: ..

Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biology : Singapore


Bioinformatics Institute, A*STAR  




March 31, 2010


September 30, 2010


Job Tag(s):

bioinformatics,computational biology,systems biology,image processing,machine learning,data mining,postdoc


A postdoctoral research fellow position is available in the new Complex Cellular Phenotype Analysis Group at the Bioinformatics Institute (BII) in Singapore. The group’s main research focus is to investigate complex cellular responses to external perturbations using quantitative image and data analysis approaches. The successful candidate will design new computational algorithms and tools for extracting biological information from microscopy images and other sources of data. He/she will have the opportunity to do cutting-edge research in computational and systems biology, and work in a highly interdisciplinary and stimulating environment. The remuneration is highly competitive, and commensurate with experience. Additional benefits include a settling-in allowance and group medical insurance.

Candidates must have a strong quantitative background, with a Ph.D. in Computational Biology, Bioengineering, Electrical or Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics, or other related fields. Strong knowledge in machine learning, data mining and programming (C/C++, Matlab and R) are required. Previous experience in image processing, bioinformatics, systems modeling or molecular and cell biology is desired, but not required. Candidates with interdisciplinary training in biology and computing are especially encouraged to apply.

About BII:
The BII ( is a member of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Biomedical Sciences Institutes in Singapore. As a national research and postgraduate training institute in computational biology, the BII focuses on theoretical approaches aimed at understanding biomolecular mechanisms that underlie biological phenomena, the development of computational methods to support this discovery process, and experimental verification of predicted molecular and cellular functions of genes and proteins with biochemical methods.


Application Procedures:
Applicants should send
1) a one-page cover letter briefly describing prior research experience and accomplishments,
2) a one-page statement of research interests,
3) full CV with contact information for three references, and
4) reprints of one to two most significant publications
to Dr. Lit-Hsin Loo (

Please combine all documents into one PDF file, and use the subject line “Postdoc Application: (name of the applicant)




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