1. 根据医院规章制度和操作规程,为病人提供医疗保健服务和优质的护理。
Carry out hospital policies and procedures and provide a wide range of health care services and quality of care to patients in clinic.
2. 与护士、医务人员和其他相关人员沟通协调,以完成护士长或主管分配的任务。
Coordinate with nurses, medical staff and other relevant staff, accomplish assigned tasks by head nurse or charge nurse.
3. 能够协助医生进行日常门诊流程和皮肤护理工作程序。
Competent to assist physician for daily clinic flow and dermatology non-invasive procedures.
4. 熟悉仪器的使用,给病人进行护理时能够完成常规护理、仪器功能测试和清洁工作。
Well know department equipment and response to perform daily maintains and function test, cleanliness when used in direct patient care.
1. 护理专业大专或以上学历
Associated degree or above of Nursing
2. 持有护士执业资格证书
Chinese Registered Nurse License
3. 1-3年护理工作经验,有皮肤科工作经验优先
1-3 years of nursing working experience, working experience of Dermatology is preferred.
4. 细心、专业和积极的工作态度
Careful, professionalism and positive work attitude
5. 优秀的沟通技能及服务意识
Good communication skills and service awareness
