1. Provide surgery service in main hospital. 在医院提供外科服务。
2. Perform daily patient rounds, either individually, or as part of the team. Review subjective and objective findings including labs, diagnostic testing, vital signs, wound status, and drains and provide data to senior consultant surgeons when necessary. 执行日常查房,可以独立完成,也可以作为团队的一部分。回顾主观和客观的检查结果,包括实验室检查、诊断检测、生命体征、伤口状态和引流,必要时向高级外科顾问提供数据。
3. Provides patient education related to procedures, medications, therapeutic goals, etc. Arranges for consults and patient transfers as needed. .为患者提供相关教育,包括治疗程序、药物、治疗目标等。根据需要安排会诊和病人转院。
4. Collaborates with senior consultants in the establishment of diagnoses and treatments of therapies and discharge needs both in the inpatient and outpatient setting. 与资深咨询师合作,制定住院和门诊的诊断、治疗和出院需求。
5. Discontinue drains, dressings changes, wound assessments, staple and suture removal, cast and splint applications and removal as indicated. 如有需要,停止引流、更换敷料、评估伤口、拆线、使用石膏和夹板并拆除。
6. Writes daily progress notes on all inpatients. Writes progress notes for each patient seen in clinic. 为所有住院病人记录每日的病程。为每个在诊所见过的病人记录病程。
7. Assesses patient’s progress through extended hospital course, utilizes available resources, and intervenes as necessary to ensure that optimal patient outcomes are achieved. 通过延长住院疗程评估患者的进展,利用可用资源,并采取必要的干预措施,以确保患者达到最佳的结果。
8. Resource for nursing staff regarding patient care issues. 为护理人员护理病人提供资源信息。
9. Staff outpatient surgical clinic员工门诊外科诊所。
10. Share call with surgical colleagues to insure SZU has 24 hour surgical coverage与外科同事共同值班,以确保SZU 24小时都可以进行手术。
11. Perform independent surgery on privileged cases in consultation with the CMO 与CMO协商,对特殊病例进行独立手术。
12. Assists senior consultants on surgical cases 协助高级顾问处理外科病例。
13. Works on quality improvement activities within the department in collaboration with other surgical team and CMO 与其他外科团队和CMO合作,在科室内开展质量改进活动。
14. Will agree to serve on one hospital/clinic committee同意在一个医院/诊所任职。
15. Will work closely with the Administrative Leader/Chairperson of the Department in supporting departmental goals 与行政领导/部门主任紧密合作以支持部门目标。
16. May be granted additional responsibilities based on consultation with Department Leader/Chairperson and/or Medical Director/CMO. 根据与部门领导/主任和/或医务主任/医疗总监的协商,可能被安排额外的职责。
1. MD or equivalent
2. Board certification or equivalent in general surgery
3. Completed degree from and accredited Chinese or international medical university
4. Completed full training in general surgery in and accredited training program either in China or abroad.
5. At lease 3-5 years clinical surgical experience.
6. Ability to interpret history, exam findings, labs and test results to synthesize an operative or non-operative management plan according to international standards.
