1. Job Purpose Statement
To meet the professional job description and the standard of ParkwayHealth Primary Care Network (Shanghai)
2. Job Description Statement
1) Completing Immigration health examination fully according to the guidelines and instructions from the immigration departments of the Countries:
• Carrying out a complete and thorough medical examination, and submitting them in accordance with instructions, and updating the new requirements from the immigration departments to carry out the immigration health examinations.
• Communicating the immigration officers of the embassies in health checkup to provide accurate and complete reporting on the health of the clients,
• Delivering high quality service as proven in the panel report of Audit, and avoiding critical errors to happen,
• Referring our clients to our specialists timely and correctly in case of abnormal findings,
• Explaining the results of examination with the clients,
• Updating and editing the registration form according to the request of audit officers,
• Avoiding the unnecessary referral our clients to Shanghai International Travel Healthcare Center (SITHC) for sputum tests for TB by collect medical information, checking carefully the CXR films if possible.
2)Fulfilling the task of English translation:
• Translating the medical papers for patients from our clinics and immigration clients to help patients and doctors understand the medical papers fully.
• DNA testing for the mbassies and clients.
3. Special Job Related Requirements
• Able to read Xray to exclude TB and to interpretation of EKG,
• Attendance of clinical meetings and CME,
• Follow the guidelines and regulations of ParwayHealth and local Health Bureau as well as related consulates.
